August 2, 2024
Memorandum For: The Sullivan County Commission
Attn: Sullivan County Commission Finance Committee
SUBJECT: Repairing Relationships
1. The subject could also read “Repairing the Relationship Between the Sullivan County Board of Education (BOE) and the Sullivan County Commission (Commission),” but that’s a bit long. Nonetheless, it's the main reason for this memorandum, that and to request a discussion regarding teacher pay & benefits as well as that of other Department of Education employees.
2. Given that on August 1st, 2024, I won the election for the District 5 BOE seat but not a sitting member, I should begin by stating the obvious, I don’t speak for the current incarnation of the BOE, this is merely a personal request.
3. I’m not looking to affix blame, but there’s likely a little shared by all parties but to say the least, the relationship between the BOE and the Commission has been less than stellar going back several years. In fact, I can recall the relationship being very rocky when I returned home after retiring from the U.S. Army back in the summer of 2016.
4. I don’t wish to misrepresent myself as some “Johny come lately,” swooping in to try and save the day, but I do wish to extend my hand and pledge to do all I can for those I will represent in the 5th District as well as those in the county at-large, this includes all Department employees. Those same people are also represented by those of you on the Commission as well, so to me our cause is one of the same. Albeit the BOE focus is narrower than the Commission, the ideas of serving others should be shared by all, and I feel this is true for all involved.
5. I will say that I don’t approve of the nasty behavior displayed by some on both sides of the recent 15% pay raise proposal, as there’s no need to threaten others personally or defriend anyone with whom a person had longstanding personal relationships with, as this is personally and professionally counterproductive.
6. I know the Commission is aware of Chapter 437 of the Public Acts of the 2023 legislative session, which is now codified T.C.A. § 49-3-306(a)(3)), which means that the minimum salary for educators will increase to $44,500 for the 2024-25 school year, and to $50,000 by the 2026-27 school year. I hope we can get everyone to the $50K minimum before the 2026-27 school year but understand this money will be coming from the state. However, I believe we can all sit down in good faith to discuss a reasonable raise for those who are at the lower end of the current pay scale for the 2024-25 school year. Undoubtedly, we need to discuss those who are working hard and coming out of their pockets to educate the future of our society, and this I feel would be a great first step.
7. I understand that a 15% raise is seemingly a nonstarter for some at present, and at the same time, you must also consider all county employees, not just those employed by the Department of Education. I also understand you must consider the problems a tax increase would have on our fellow Sullivan County residents, especially given the current economic climate. I do believe in minimum taxation all the way around but understand we must pay employees (especially those at the lower end of the spectrum) more than they’re currently making.
8. Before we can do any of that, I want to simply sit down and have a friendly discussion, which can be done over a cup of coffee.
9. I await your reply. Thank you and God bless!
Todd A. McKinley, BA, MSL
Sullivan County Board of Education
District 5 Member-Elect